What is UL 1283 EMI/RFI Filtering?
UL 1449 Listed SPDs include filter circuits that have been evaluated as a UL 1283 (Standard for Electromagnetic Interference Filters) filter. These are complimentary UL Listed as a UL 1283 filter and a UL 1449 SPD.
By definition and the scope of UL 1283, UL 1283 Listed filters are evaluated for load-side applications only, not line-side applications. Consequently, UL will not complimentary list a Type 1 SPD as a UL 1283 Listed filter. However, a Type 1 SPD might include a UL 1283 filter as a Recognized Component within a Listed Type 1 SPD, which has been fully evaluated for line-side usage. Manufacturers of such products generally offer the identical SPD as a Type 2 UL 1449 Listed SPD with complimentary Listing as a UL 1283 Listed filter.